Sunday, January 18, 2009

Web Accessibility for All

I thought that Mr. Sullivan’s PowerPoint on ‘Accessibility for All’ was interesting and had useful information. I had no idea that there were so many advancements for people with visual and hearing impairments. The portable Braille machine would be good to use in the classroom, not only for the blind, but to teach other children. The Smartphone had capabilities to speak commands in-turn teaching the blind how to use a cell phone. I think that all teachers should view this PowerPoint because it demonstrates many technologies that are available for the blind and deaf individual.

There are many laws that were written in the 1970’s requiring all businesses and schools to be handicap accessible. Many of the laws were not enforced then, but are now enforced. These laws that were put in place were to help individuals with handicaps or disabilities access public and private places. As with laws being written and technology being developed individual with impairments are now able to accomplish the same goals as individual without impairments or disabilities. As technology advances teachers should stay informed of ways to help the blind and/or deaf child.

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