Sunday, April 12, 2009

EDM 310 Podcast

The first podcast that I listened to was "The Last Lecture of Randy Pausch". This podcast was discussed between Jennifer Lenox and Lynda Rigsby. I thought that this podcast was interesting and informative. These ladies did a great job covering the information. I enjoyed listening to this podcast because I think that Randy Pausch is a wonderful role model. He tells everyone that they should achieve their dreams and strive to do their best. Overall I thought that Jennifer and Lynda had a great podcast.

The second podcast that I listened to was "Pick of the Day: Source Materials for High School Teachers on the World Wide Web". This podcast was discussed between Anne Gardner and Kimberly Hinojosa. I thought that this podcast had some very useful information for high school teachers. Anne and Kimberly did a great job covering their information and they gave some great websites that are very useful and informative.

The third podcast I listened to was "ACCESS-Distance Learning in Alabama High Schools". This podcast was discussed between Megan Morgan, Alicia Baxter, and Angel Jackson. These students are all from Dr. Strange's class. This podcast was made into a play. I thought that using a play to inform people of ACCESS was very creative. This podcast covered all the aspects and different components of ACCESS.

The fourth podcast I listened to was "Facebook: It's in Class! But Can It Be Useful In Class? Pros and Cons". This podcast was discussed between Peyton Ivey, Kendra Hill, Jessica White, and Jessica Courville. These students were also from Dr. Strange's class. This podcast gave useful information on how teachers can use Facebook in the classroom. These ladies also discussed the problems that can be caused from using Facebook in the classroom. I thought that these ladies covered their subject well and had much knowledge of the subject they were discussing.

Overall, I thought that everyone did a great job on their podcast. I noticed a few problems in all of the podcast. The biggest problem that everyone had, was that their podcast sounded more like a script than a conversation. Another problem in the podcast was the use of "um". It sound like everyone knew their material well, so I think "um" was used because of nervousness. The last problem that I noticed in everyones' podcast was pauses. The pauses seemed to be caused by losing place in the script. All of the problems that were face in these podcast could be fixed with more practice.


  1. Hey Kristen,

    I agree with your comments on room for improvements. So far, every blog I've read for this topic is noticing the same. =)
    I suggested practice as a remedy as well.

    Great job!
    Hope you had a wonderful Easter holiday.
    See you tomorrow evening.

  2. Great job Kristen!! I agree with everything you covered. Everyone did a good, informative job.

  3. Like I said.... Practice, practice, practice ;) Excellent review.
