Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pros and Cons of Blogging

For this assignment, I decided to view Lynda Rigsby’s complete blog. It was interesting to read Lynda’s blog to see her views about certain subjects. Since everyone in the class had the same blog assignment I was able to see other points of view besides my own. Lynda and I had a lot of the same views about technology. We both agreed that technology is great and we look forward to using technology as we become teachers.

I believe that there are many pros in using technology and blogging. I think that the major pro in blogging is being able to communicate with the students and their parents and/or guardians outside of the classroom. In using a blog, I as a teacher would be able to post students homework, assignments due and upcoming events to the classroom blog. This would be a great way to keep the parents and/or guardians involved in their children’s learning. Using a blog would also be convenient for students if they had forgotten to write down their homework assignments or to keep them caught up on the work if they are absent.

Another pro in using blogs is for the students to be able to communicate with other students from different schools around the world. A blog is a great way for teachers to communicate with other teachers around the world. I think that it is great for teachers to communicate with one another; it allows them to try different teaching strategies and find different teaching ideas.

I think that the only con in blogging and technology is that everyone may not have it available to them. Some students may not have access to a computer at home so it would be difficult for the student and parent to stay up-to-date on the blog. The way I will handle this type of situation is to make alternate ways available for the students and their parents and/or guardians.

Overall, I looked at the pros and cons of using technology and blogs in a classroom. I think using technology in the classroom gives students an advantage since our world is focused on technology. As a future teacher I plan to incorporate technology and blogs into my daily lessons and teaching.